My SAS Tutorials

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Advance SAS Interviews Questions

1> What is the use of Symbolgen Option in Mcaro?
2>What is the use of Mlogic Option in Macro?
3>What is the use of Mcompilenote in Mcro?
4>What is the use of Mprint Option in Macros?
5>When we are using Minoperator?
6>In how many ways we can create Macro Variable in the Global Symbol Table?
7>In how many ways we can create the macros in the local Symbol Table?
8>Explain the Syntax of Proc SQL?
9>What is the use of Feedback Option?
10>What is the use of validate Keyword?
11>What is the use of noexec Option in Proc SQL?
12>Explain different types of macro triggers in SAS?
13>What is the difference between %STR and %NRSTR functions?
14>What is the difference between include command and %include statement ?
15>What is the use of source2 in %include statement?
16>Write a programme to print all the datasets present in a library by using single proc print(Using Macros)?
17>Write a programme to delete all the user defined macro varaibale in the Global symbol table at a time?
18>What is the difference between automatic and user defined Macro variables?
19>What is the difference between %put ,put,putlog statements and put( ) function?
20>How many types of joins we have in SQL?
21>What is the difference between SQL joins and Data step Merge?
22>Why we can not use arrays in Proc SQL?
23>In how many ways we can create the SAS data set by using Prco SQL?
24>In how many ways we can insert Rows in a SAS dataset by using Proc SQL?
25>What do you mean by benchmarking techniques in SAS?
26>What are trade-offs?
27>How many types of indexes do we have in SAS?
28>In how many ways we can create indexes by using SAS?
29>What are Hash Objects?
30>How to create Hash objects in Data Steps?
31>What is the use of CNTLOUT= option in proc format?
32>Write the syntax to make permanent formats by using from a SAS datasets?
33>What is picture formats?
34>What are SAS Integrity constants?
35>Eplaing with an example to load a multidimensional arrays from a SAS data sets?
36>What are Hiter objects?
37>How to bypass cache memory?
38>What are views?
39> Explain the techniques to make our views portable?
40>What is the difference between SAS views and SAS datsets?
41>In how many ways we can create views by using SAS?
42>What are the differences between Call Symput and Call Symputx routines?
43>What is proc catalog?
44>What is the extension of indexes?
45>What is the difference between libraries,Catalogs and dictionaries in SAS?
46>Tell me some uses of Indexes?
47>What is the use of fmtlib option in proc format?
48>What is fullstimer option?
49>What is the use of Nosqlremerge option?
50>What is autocall facility in mcaro?

Now prepare your Base SAS and Advance SAS Certification Exams with Online Mock tests:

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